Colleagues that work with Rock County CranioSacral Clinic, LLC
During multi-hands and or integrative bodywork sessions, here are some of the therapists that provide those additional or complementary services.

Lauren Porstner
Lauren Porstner comes from an Amazing Place, LLC. Lauren is a licensed practical nurse and has five years of volunteer experience as an EMT.
She is an advanced craniosacral therapist, has level II Reiki training and has been practicing and teaching QiGong, meditation, and stress reduction since 2012.
Lauren can be reached at 815-276-3680

Hosannah Snyder
Hosannah Snyder is a licensed Acupuncturist and owner of Healing Hands Traditional Medicine and Compatible Therapies.
As an undergraduate Hosannah studied pre- medicine at UW Whitewater. She would complete her graduate work at Midwest College where she received her Master’s in Oriental Medicine and a bachelors in Nutrition Science.
Hosannah apprenticed under an established Acupuncturist for 7 years before opening her own practice.
In addition to acupuncture and Tui Na services are available to address dietary and digestive needs, herbal therapy and exercise methods as needed for individual care.